Entries from 2016-07-01 to 1 month

Volvo Vida Dice error tskill.exe is not recognized (Solved)

When install Super Volvo Vida Dice Pro+ 2014 patch, some users may get an error message says that “tskill.exe is not recognized as an internal or external command or operable program or batch file”. When click “Vida all” icon the interface…

Should i buy 2016 Xprog-m Xprog box v5.6 firmware v3.2?

It has been a puzzle for many users since Xprog-m v5.60 was released recently at eobdtool.co.uk. Here is all info eobdtool offers about the newest Xprog-m Xprog box sw: v5.6 fw: v3.2, including the basic info, new features, and authorizati…

How to use carprog 8.21 to Reset Mercedes Airbag

How to use carprog 8.21 to Reset Mercedes Airbag MB airbag sensor after car crash and airbag deployment can by locked (Control unit faulty) and must be replaced. Even after small accident Airbag sensor will write in internal memory special…

(6-30) OBDSTAR X100 / X200 PRO Newest Update nformation

Newest Update for OBDSTAR X100 PRO in these functions: IMMO programming, mileage adjustment, Oil reset, EPB function and some optimal corrections. OBDSTAR X200 PRO newest update is adding MAZDA motor steering angle reset. OBDSTAR X100 PRO:…

How VVDI MB BGA tool renew EIS and replace ESL for Mercedes Benz?

In general, Benz electric steering locks (ESL) are used with EIS W204/ W207/ W212. ESL is damaged in high frequency. In this case, there are two possible reasons and solutions: If the ESL motor is damaged, replace a new motor. If the NEC c…